Gary, Gavin and I went to the Dallas Arboretum on Saturday. It was supposed to be a cool 92 degrees and overcast. I thought that would be perfect weather!! It turned out to be sooo balmy and humid and just plain uck! It wouldn't have been so bad if there was a gentle breeze, but the air was stagnant. We were all soaked from sweat after being there for only an hour. Even the littlest Marchand was drenched. But, it sure was beautiful. I'm excited about the fall when the weather is a little cooler and more tolerable.
Gary thought this would be a great way to carry Gavin around. Gavin thought it would be funny if he spit up in daddy's hair. Gavin-1, Daddy-0.
Mommy and Gavin walking through Crape Myrtle Allee (that's how they spelled it).
So cute!